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Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Website goes online

17th July 2012 
Martin one of the three original founders of the Trust release an online voting system that would allow the the general community to have a fourth vote that encompassed the whole of Speckled Wood being designated as no development.  This is being  accompanied by a form that is being taken around to as many houses as could be done in the time frame of less than three weeks. The local Library , Ore Centre and Bridge  Centre all held copies of this form collecting votes.

The Hastings Observer Newspaper covered the event . Their story is available on their website at: Campaign group to hand over petition to save woodland

Monday, 16 July 2012

Members leave organisation to start up thier own

16th July 2012 
Three members of a local organisation were horrified that their voices were not being heard by a local community group sat down with each other in one of their homes after hearing the latest plans to only accept three proposals to Save their local Woodland. The Three local men decided that there should have been a fourth option to Save the entire woodland from development. From these meager beginnings  Friends of Speckled Wood was created and a plan decided to ballot the population of Ore regarding the future of their woodland.