The Trust is extremely worried that the community is being complacent about Speckled Wood.
The Woodland has seen lovely children events which this could be the last year that they will happen.
"The Trust has 4500 forms out in the community which need to come back in by the 22nd April 2014."
A spokesman from the Trust has said:
"We have been told only 30 paper Response Forms have been returned to the Council.
110 paper Response Forms have been returned to the Trust
and there have been 334 electric responses of which eight are spoiled or duplicates."
It is important that you fill in an return your Response forms. As the DMP sets out three areas of the Woodland at present for Development. This is not a position the Trust can fight from as in 2012, 1231 Responses where registered. The 466 is not enough to go forward as it should be clearly more as more people are using the Woodland . The DMP is available here Look for areas CV01, CV03, CV04:
The Council plans to put the document which is as large as a telephone directory before the Public Inspector at the end of this year. We need to show the Inspector that we don't want houses here.