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Saturday, 15 August 2015

Where is the real Inspectors Report?

15th August 2015
Where is the real Inspectors Report

Has anyone actually seen a Report written by our Inspector?

We have been trying to obtain the legally signed report form out Inspector which doesn’t appear to exist. Instead we are being sent documents with the internal property pages showing the document was created in the forward planning department of our Council. Even the Program Officer has failed to provide the report aying its owned by the Council not the public.

I would have expected to have received a digitally signed document as this should be legally binding.

Can I see this for my self:  Yes

If you open your report from your Councils website look on the right hand side for the download arrow ( I have indicated a white arrow to it on the main picture). Instead of downloading it open it in Adobe Acrobat and get the document properties Ctrl + D. This will get the properties of the document  on the councils website. You might be shocked as its not the Inspector.

With so many differant versions out there which one is HBC going to choose to use to write its Report  from ?

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

HCA land of Clifton Road has been sold.

HCA land of Clifton Road has been sold.
 12th August 2015

The HBC Tressel Newsletter August leads with news The site formerly owned by the Homes and Communities Agency, at the junction of Church Street and Clifton Road, has been bought by a local developer. The site has outline planning permission, but the new owner will have to submit a detailed application before any development can take place.  

This comes after a mammoth effort by the local community to turn this site into a classroom  to accees the Speckled Wood , site. Is this the first indication that the Council is not  doing what its public have asked. The Trust has been working with local historians to research  this area and now have a wealth of information in the form of a new report.

'The council state they will be asking people what they think 7000 people have already commented why are they ignoring that?' 

The matter is still with the Parliamentory Ombudsman  who as not issued it to an inspector. The Trust has been making equiries to other routes to get help from the city.

The site formerly owned by the Homes and Communities Agency, at the junction of Church Street and Clifton Road, has been bought by a local developer. The site has outline planning permission, but the new owner will have to submit a detailed application before any development can take place. We’ll be looking at that as soon as it’s received, and asking local people what they think of it. - See more at:
The site formerly owned by the Homes and Communities Agency, at the junction of Church Street and Clifton Road, has been bought by a local developer. The site has outline planning permission, but the new owner will have to submit a detailed application before any development can take place. We’ll be looking at that as soon as it’s received, and asking local people what they think of it. - See more at:
The site formerly owned by the Homes and Communities Agency, at the junction of Church Street and Clifton Road, has been bought by a local developer. The site has outline planning permission, but the new owner will have to submit a detailed application before any development can take place. We’ll be looking at that as soon as it’s received, and asking local people what they think of it. - See more at:
The site formerly owned by the Homes and Communities Agency, at the junction of Church Street and Clifton Road, has been bought by a local developer. The site has outline planning permission, but the new owner will have to submit a detailed application before any development can take place. We’ll be looking at that as soon as it’s received, and asking local people what they think of it. - See more at: