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Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Southern Water Legal Department are unable to tell us who thier customer is?

Southern Water Legal Department are unable to tell us who thier customer is?
3rd October 2017

Contractors Cappagh Browne move in on Speckled Wood to repair drains for an unknown customer which would seem to dump sewage in the Ore Stream leading to more polution in the country park again.  An enforcement complaint has been made to the Council that the members of this organisation will do nothing  we are facing a situation in our borough were wildlife has no protection. Despite the legislation and law no one wants to act legally in these matters A licence is required from Natural England which must be presented on demand. Instead of this the Capagh Browne Ecologist tells us that she a member of the CIEEM when she is clearly not and that she has spoken to Natural England about thier methodology and they are happy for them to proceed.

The owner of the Care home told  us that she asked Southern Water to put thier drains into Clifton Road. So who is this Mystery Customer ? This is equally odd when you consider this was Southern Waters solicitors cover story was that they was acting on an emergency leak for the Care Home.

This blog has to ask the question what value is Natural England giving us then?
Picture Caption: Hide and seek with a Mini Digger perhaps they are trying to hide or loose it!

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Badger activity increases on the Church Street site in Ore as Southern Water move in.

Badger activity increases on the Church Street site in Ore as Southern Water move in. 
28th July 2017

There has been an increase in the activity on the Badger sett at church Street not disclosed by the so called ecologists who work for the developer or council who made public statements there was no sett on this land.

This Badger sett has increased in ten days due to the stress digging from Southern Water on the site. Southern Water has been pumping tanker loads of water through the broken sewer which has fractured parts blown out of it of some 8"-1ft in size from the side wall. This is being done to try to resolve the flooding issues for properties in Clifton road, which are just less 20ft from the sewer in Clifton Road. Does this make any financial sense to you? The work carries on this morning with a new tanker load of water. The CIEEM is investigating statements made at the Planning Application of this matter in respect to CIEEM and memberships.

Thursday, 20 July 2017

Councillors Street calls us liars

Councillors Street calls us liars
16th July 2016
Councillor Street in a public planning meeting said that there had been much misinformation given out by the supporters of Speckled Wood to protect the land at Church street . We was told that a fence had been errected which was not evident and that it had been placed to protect the badgers as was alleged by Cllr Richard Street Planning meeting . It is quite clear from the meeting that Mr Davidson was not even holding an updated biodiversity code of Practice for Planning and Development BS42020:2013 manual which he was refering to. This was evident from its cover. The advice was therefore in our opinion flawed.

On a visit to the site accompanying  Southern Water just last week it was evident that the badgers where not contained in this fence  and had dug out much to our suprise judge for your self we are quite appalled that none of the information provided by any party was taken into account it is just another serious flaw in the Councils Planning Department. Here is the sound recording that was taken:

Friday, 14 July 2017

Council poised to act in fraud .

Council poises to act in fraud .  
15th July 2017

The Badger Protection Society Ltd have spoken to the Friends of Speckled Wood today informing them that the Council is moving towards an act of fraud in its Planning matter HS/DS/17/00194, which is part of protected open space Speckled Wood. Mr. Newbold of the Badger Protection Society said that the latest document from the Planning Department was a clear move in the Council to cajole the Planning Committee to commit fraud. He said the Council is fully aware of their actions here on this land which Land Registry has informed him has a 32 Acre lease hold. Fraud is defined as wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. Since this date the Land Registry has broken off communications and the matter has gone to the ICR . it is quite appalling to think that our Council could be acting in a fraudulent direction any not have any scrutiny in place to ensure this kind of actions are stopped.  Further action is being investigated.

We are quite appalled and you should be aware from this Hillsborough Inquiry that you could be accountable in these matters even 30 years hence. We strongly advise HBC get your house in order .

Friday, 23 June 2017

Is the Council trying to runaway from its liability?

Is the Council trying to runaway from its liability
23rd June 2017

The Council have been asked if its intention is to commit fraud this week and its reaction is to try to dispose of the land that this alleged fraud surrounds.

The Council has been notified of this fraud in its planning matter HS/DS/1700194.

It is also failing to put material on this site. Please object to this
The initial Registration of this land has been a subject of a complaint with Land Registry for over a month it is quite apparant that the 38 acres of land with a 1000 year lease has not expreed and the Councils First registration was flawed. The Inviestigation bodies are still investigating the matter . Is the Councils action consistant to an admition of this fraud? The web site talks about transparancy. we can see no transparancy here when its own leader of the council used Speckled Wood to manover his seat in Ore.

Is this the kind of actions you expect from your Council A spokesman for the Friends of Speckled Wood Managment Trust said " This is disgraceful".

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Planning Application on Church Street

Friends fight back to Save their Woodland
5th April 2017
The Friends of Speckled Wood Managment Trust Chairman has sent in 1.5kg of objection to the new reserved matters planning to put five  houses on Church Street again on top of the badger sett. This application was halted last month and the wildlife groups all believe it is the first phase to develop Speckled Wood, Hastings as the Council has nothing to register the land of Speckled Wood as they promised they would.

The Badger Society and Friends of Speckled Wood Managment Trust are keen to stop this from happening as it could be the start of real problems on other sites turning our town into a concrete jungle.

The Chairman of Friends of Speckled Wood Managment Trust said: "This is outrageous.". He also said that he will initiate a new consultation form on the friends' website to help the public submit their objection to this new threat on this woodland. The New form is now live on the internet as he promised here:

The Hastings Badger Protection Society Ltd also pledged their support stating "That they are absolutely disgusted."

Picture courtesy google images and Care2 Petitions.

Monday, 27 February 2017

The Planning Application at Church Street has been withdrawn

The Planning Application at Church Street  has been withdrawn
27th February 2017
Planning on Church Street has been withdrawn by the Applicant according to a notice placed on the Planning Application HS/FA/16/01013 | Development of site to provide 5 dwellings. |  Land at Church Street, Church Street, Hastings, TN35 5AQ. The exact words on the application front page were "Decision Withdrawn by Applicant" and this was dated Mon 27 Feb 2017. The Chairman of Friends of Speckled Wood has been working with Land Registry to obtain information on Land Ownership. Talks are on going.