Friends fight back to Save their Woodland
5th April 2017
The Friends of Speckled Wood Managment Trust Chairman has sent in 1.5kg of objection to the new reserved matters planning to put five houses on Church Street again on top of the badger sett. This application was halted last month and the wildlife groups all believe it is the first phase to develop Speckled Wood, Hastings as the Council has nothing to register the land of Speckled Wood as they promised they would.
The Badger Society and Friends of Speckled Wood Managment Trust are keen to stop this from happening as it could be the start of real problems on other sites turning our town into a concrete jungle.
The Chairman of Friends of Speckled Wood Managment Trust said: "This is outrageous.". He also said that he will initiate a new consultation form on the friends' website to help the public submit their objection to this new threat on this woodland. The New form is now live on the internet as he promised here:
The Hastings Badger Protection Society Ltd also pledged their support stating "That they are absolutely disgusted."
Picture courtesy google images and Care2 Petitions.