29th January 2015
The Outline Planning Matter HS/OA/14/0087 for Church Street today is according to the Report by Mr Sam Batchelor being recommended to be adopted. This is in direct contradiction to the Judicial Review CO/4509/200 , This has been noted in previous Planning matters and a 5m corridor has been enforced. Some of this land is owned by a government body HCA . How can they not be aware of this law? If the 5m corridor was enforced it would not give space for these allocation of Housing http://publicaccess.hastings.gov.uk/online-applications/files/A2AE4E219D453DEE954DFB8C7E5A7513/pdf/HS_OA_14_00876--360545.pdf
We are starting to believe the Planning Department in Hastings is not capable of functioning correctly. This comes two days after a East Sussex Highways removed a report from their website 'Ridge Movement and Access Study' concerning the hazardous report on the congestion on the ridge and includes accident survey from the AMEY department. The trust is alarmed at this process and nothing seems to stop this process. The Inspectors report has not even been published for these areas. Is this just another way the council is wasting our money on a report that they are going to ignore. https://www.facebook.com/FriendsOfSpeckledWood/photos/a.364014017005094.80616.363895927016903/813320308741127/?type=1&theater Even the Council who granted themselves Planning for this site on two separate back when some of the land was Compulsorily Purchased did not build here despite having Planning in place .
It has not been explained by the Council why two pieces of land number 136 and 142 Church Street where compulsory purchased by Council in 1962 and then handed to a private company to develop. The Land Registrar information shows that these two plots along with the ones in Church Street subject to this Planning where handed over in HT19042 in 06.11.1985 . There has been no explanation of this despite letters to Legal and Freedom of Informatiion Requests.