2rd Sepetember 2015.
Last night the Full Council voted to approve the Development Managment Plan . There was no mention of the missing Inspectors report during this meeting . The Press attended. An email was received by The Planning Inspector shorly before at 4:59pm on the 23rd September 2015.
Inspectorate has received notification from the Information
Commissioner’s Office (ICO) that they have accepted your complaint about
the Inspectorate’s handling of your request for information.
This missing document under pins the whole Development Management Plan process. There is no signature on the Main Matters used before this committiee last night. We understand that the name witten in in this font does not stand in law as a recognised digital signature. DocuSign or E.Signature or Microsoft Word processing documents writen on Planing Inspectors equipment are all authenticatable. Without this Planning Inspectors Authenticated report underpinning this work then Planning Inspector Appeal Process will be busy and the document will fail in its objectives.