Where is the Scrutiny?
17th June 2016
For several years the Friends of Speckled Wood have been sending concernes to to two Council email addresses these are email addresses oandsservices@hastings.gov.uk
or oandsresources@hastings.gov.uk .The Council Corporate and Democratic Services Officer Ms. Lisa Greathead said in a communication by email yesterday "I have
checked with the Council’s IT Department and the email addresses you
give are incorrect and
therefore any emails you sent would not have been received. There is no
valid email address for Overview and Scrutiny Committee. I have
checked with the Council’s Complaints Officer and there is no record of
any complaint being made by you in the last year
in respect of this matter." Further to this she said that the Council Scruitiny commitee had met more than once here is a video link to the diary for the Overview and Scruitiny Committee https://youtu.be/m8V1qVbQuN0 The Trust is unsure how the Overveiw and Scrutny is able to function with no contact points . This is quite unbelievable.