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Friday, 6 February 2015

The Friends and Badger Protection Society visit the Coucils Planning Archives

6th February 2015

A second visit to the Council was conducted this morning in an attempt to view the Public Planning files  that were needed two days ago.  A previous visit had failed to present the Public Records.  Disappointingly the files where not complete again and files where missing. The Trust has been investigating a historic planning matter where the Hastings Badger Protection Society took the Council to Judicial Review. A third complaint has been raised  as the planning Department has now failed to provide information on three occasions. Paperwork in the file established and backed up the Badger Protection Society's case that it had only been to one Hearing. One possibility of this is that the first Hearing was provided on papers only in 2001 This is however not found in the Planning file. It is only by the Administrative Court Office  and was not documented and has not been resolved the missing documents would the Trust believe clarify this position. The documents on the desk are a report from Dr Julian Brown, an expert in the Judicial Review who outlines the requirement for 5m and 10m protected species corridors on page one. The other report is a report particular to the planning historic Application. More investigations are ongoing.