There is a further opportunity to comment on the
Inspector's Preliminary Findings - consultation period 13 February - 27 March
The Local Development Framework does not provide
enough protection for Speckled Wood/Upper Ore Valley. The Main Modifications
from the Inspector's Preliminary Report need to be brought in to make the Plan
sound and provide protection through the Inspector's recommendations.
The decision to delete MM8 site allocation at
Victoria Avenue (CV01) due to environment and community considerations
overriding any requirement for development is welcomed.
MM9 deletion of proposed
housing allocation CV03 at Rear of Old London Road is welcomed but it does not
provide protection of the remainder of the woodland. To make the plan sound
either an additional or new Main Modification should be created to MM9 expanded
to encompass the entire Speckled Wood/ Upper Ore Valley green-space lying to
the Rear of Old London Road and encompassing Church Street (un-adopted) to
Clifton Road, Frederick Road, known locally as nomenclature Speckled Wood
essentially on the grounds that the environmental and community considerations
outweigh the need/requirement for housing. Policies for Local Nature Reserve,
Ancient Woodland and Local Wildlife Site would appear to be the appropriate
status for this site. This is in line with the Policies contained within the
Local Plan.